Student Services Department
School counselors are available to support the academic, social emotional, and college/career goals of all students. As such, there may be times when the academic counselor or SAP Coordinator need to connect with individual students or groups of students to provide resources or to address specific questions / concerns. All communication with students is in accordance with district policies and guidelines.
Parents: If you would like to schedule a meeting with your student's counselor please email them.
Kristie Jones
Dean of Students (919)577-1444 ext. 23458 [email protected] To schedule a meeting please email. |
Terry Harbolick
A - D Counselor Grades 10 - 12 (919)577-1444 ext. 23505 [email protected] Student Only: Schedule a Meeting |
Corina Murray
E - K Counselor Grades 10 -12 (919)577-1444 ext. 23466 [email protected] Student Only: Schedule a Meeting |
Michaela Hogan
L - Q Counselor Grades 10 - 12 (919)577-1444 ext. 23486 [email protected] Student Only: Schedule a Meeting |
Julianne Salvadore
R - Z Counselor Grades 10 -12 919-577-1444 ext. 23475 [email protected] Student Only: Schedule a Meeting |
Davina Washington
9th Grade Counselor (919)577-1444 ext. 23472 [email protected] Student Only: Schedule a Meeting |
Belinda Crawford
Student Assistance Program Counselor (919)577-1444 ext. 23473 [email protected] To schedule a meeting please email. |